Option A – To file an electronic assignment with us online.

  1. Visit our Contact page
  2. Fill out the online application by completing all fields.
    1. Point of Contact – This is you as the contractor referring party. Fill out all areas with *.
    2. Insured/Claimant Information– This is your client’s loss site information, loss date and type. Fill out all areas with *.
    3. Equipment Damaged– This is a description of the damaged items. Tell us the loss items.
    4. Comments – This is where you tell us what you want us to do with this assignment. Respond to Consult, Begin to Mobilize, Mitigate only, Restore only, Testing, Recertify, Estimate only, Report only or call and discuss strategy.
  3. Click submit button to send once all fields are completed.

This time and dates stamps the assignment when you send it and immorality dispatches our on call coordinator with an email. All ER personnel are required to submit the claim electronically if taking your call.

Option B – Email Us.

To file an email assignment send to info@er-emergency.com

  • Include your name, company, phone number(s), email.
  • Include loss contact name, company, phone number(s), email
  • Include loss type, date of loss, instructions, directions and summary of situation
  • All ER personnel are required to submit the claim electronically if taking your call.

Option C – Call Us

Call 877-378-4183 and tell the receptionist to patch you through with an emergency

He/she will connect you live with ER personnel on call. Personnel on call will ask for all of the information on the electronics claim form to open an assignment.