When water infiltration or flooding occurs affecting main power gear or electrical branch circuits of a building serious consideration to testing should be given to proper assessment. Following NEMA guidelines for recovery and NETA testing standards is not common practice among many restoration contractors. It has been our experience than proper evaluation and restoration of wet power gear, panel boards, motors and wiring is not accomplished. These components can prove costly if not assessed and refurbished in the interim. Handling water damaged electrical equipment should only be accomplished by qualified electrically trained technicians, electricians and engineers understanding how to work with OEM’s and recertify the equipment.
Wet electrical systems if powered-up wet can cause more immediate damages and future failures. The life, health and safety issues are numerous and need to be considered. Best practices and guidelines have been published and should be followed. Not following the standards after a water event may void manufacturer warranties and render electrical power gear and components out of normal operating parameters by OEM’s.
Many contractors focus on the building put back and structural issues of restoration to get business up and running again while ignoring the heart of the buildings systems- electrical power. Ignorance by some inexperienced restoration contractors, electricians, and insurance carriers and claims adjusters can unintentionally cost owners of buildings later. Several results always occur when advisors are not technically aware and proper evaluations are not made to electrical power distribution equipment. Lack of awareness and understanding of the potential risks, guidelines and methods for recovery can have a business owner back in business quick without safe electrical power.
A. No testing or repairs are done- weak and failed devices show up later sometimes a nuisance items and other times as large repairs. Either way the owner effectively inherits high maintenance costs and pays out of pocket from an insurance claim gone uncovered and recognized.
B. No testing and only minimal repairs are done to obvious items are replaced such as wet case moulded breakers while branch circuits are not tested or dried properly resulting in an eventual fire because of the compromised components. Risk remains new claim and new deductible are the result.
C. Incomplete or partial testing is done and the system problems are not identified immediately so ongoing risk and nuisance repairs continue so results are still unfavorable.
D. Proper testing and assessment allows for items to be cleared or identified for restoration/refurbishment or replacement estimates. This is the only safe and responsible action moving forward.
Call us to liaison for you and work with your insurance carriers as expert’s technical electrical power experts and consultants for all phases of power recovery anytime at 877-378-4183 and “state you have an emergency and your call will be given to a project manager anytime- day or night”.
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